Why Master of Science in Global Technology and Development

Global technology development leverages international development and the sciences to understand and address global issues such as poverty and resource disparity. In this way, we can understand how technological developments affect society, and how societal changes can spur technological innovation.

The global technology and development program at ASU addresses the global disparity in wealth and access to resources and basic needs, both between and within countries. In addition, the program seeks to help you better understand the role of technology in creating wealth in nations, as well as its distribution. Issues of culture, history, religion, and social organization are considered mitigating factors in this process.

Work for international organizations in the government, corporate and private sectors.

The global technology and development program trains students to become technology interpreters, who can continue to conduct innovative research after graduation, or can step into roles in the corporate, government or social sectors. The program’s courses apply theory, research, policy and regional studies to prepare you for the capstone applied project.

With a background in international development and technology systems, graduates of the program have been employed in a variety of fields, including the technology industry, the non-profit sector, and the government, including the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Students in this program have also served in the U.S. Peace Corps prior to and during their studies.
